Talking about my painting is a near impossible task. I shall try to take a few steps with you along this uncertain path. Going into painting is leaving on a motionless journey, an impossible quest for searing intensity. I fell into this trap, this madness, without the slightest desire to escape it. So I spend a lifetime scanning the earth, waiting for its appearance. Painting must answer to so much of one’s childhood, but to nothing else. My only resort is to work tirelessly, to follow with my hands the images which confront me. A painting is not prepared just as one does not prepare childhood and birds do not rehearse their song. One lives it, that is all.


Some information you might want to know about me:

Born: 03.10.1963 / Wilrijk (Antwerp)                                                                

Nationality: belgian              



Drawing, painting and sculpture, Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Berchem – Antwerp (1972-1994)

Interior Architecture, Institut Saint Luc Brussels (1980-1984)

Art History, Kunsthistorisch Instituut Antwerp (1990-1994)



1990:              Solo exhibition – Head office of Argenta – Antwerp

1993:              Group exhibition - Gallery Rivierenhof – Antwerp

2012:              Solo exhibition: The Untouchable Skin of the Soul – ING Art Centre, Place Royale - Brussels

2014:              Solo exhibition: Paseos Mexicanos – Flagey Brussels

2015:              Solo exhibition: The Hidden Emotions of an Unconfortable Truth – Pressclub of the E.U. Brussels.

2015:              Solo exhibition: No Colour is Illegal – Gallery Artsmonopole – St Amands.

2015:              Solo exhibition: No Colour is illegal – Flagey Brussels

2018:              Studio exhibition: Outremer the preface.



2014-2015:   Travelling in Mexico and Laos for 9 months in company of local craftspeople to immerse myself in colours.

2016-2017:   Writing about this experience of a travelling painter. “Le tableau n’est pas signé”.

2019         :   Trip to Rome - Academia Belgica - Conversations with the Pantheon


Caroline Baek
° 1963
